Collection: Pentagon Rainbows

I wanted to create another design which harmonized as well as the CCJ Trinity setting. Since mid-2019, I had set my mind to this task and started some research and experimentation with varying designs. I was very thankful and very much inspired by CCJ’s amazing growth in 2019.

This growth, I give credit and gratitude to our dear #ccjgirls. We wish to thank so many of you whom told your family and friends about us.

The new design was finalized during the quieter months of 2020, during the Singapore Lockdown period when movement for CCJ slowed down and I had the opportunity to focus more on research & development.

Came early June 2020, the CCJ Pentagon setting was finally born. This design with a graduation of little to larger gemstones was a symbol of growth. And a gradual growth at that, with each larger gemstone signifying a step-by-step growth.

Similar to its predecessor (CCJ Trinity setting), the Pentagon CCJ setting also allow the gemstones to sit nicely on the wrist and flaunt the gemstones beautifully from all angles with any wrist or hand movements.

The CCJ Trinity has 3 main anchoring stones. The CCJ Pentagon has 5 main anchoring stones- the transition from 3 to 5 is again, representative of growth.

The CCJ Pentagon setting is the perfect jewelry for #ccjgirls who wish to grow mentally and spiritually with time. Like our hands with 5 indispensable fingers, the 5 anchoring gemstones of the Pentagon are here to support you, to hold you as you brave this journey called Life.

